Ductless heating and cooling systems are systems with the ability to control a room or home’s temperature without the use of ducts. A ductless unit is mounted on the wall and has all of the same capabilities as a central air system. The air is slowly replaced within that room and even an entire floor of a household or business. Customers have the ability to placing several units in their home. Regardless of your system, a ductless system is a more efficient option and more often than not, one of the best ways to heat or cool your home.
Duct free heating and air-conditioning systems make your home’s individual rooms or other small spaces more comfortable. Remember, just like whole-home systems, the higher the SEER and HSPF ratings, the more efficient they will be.
We offer a variety of through-the-wall packaged terminal air conditioners (PTAC) and duct free heating and air-conditioning systems to meet any individual room’s needs.
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