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HVAC Tips for Winter

While we can’t stop the cold months from coming, we can certainly get you and your HVAC system prepared for it!

Our recommendations include:

1. Sealing any/all leaks

Leaks mean cold air can get in, which means your HVAC system will have to work harder. In turn, this will increase your monthly utility bill.

2. Cleaning Outside Your Unit

Cleaning debris like leaves, sticks and pebbles will help with efficiency as well. The cleaner and clearer your system is, the better and more efficient it will run all winter long.

3. Replacing Your Air Filter

Clean filters help your system run better–better running systems are LESS likely to break or shut down, which is the LAST thing you need in the dead of winter.

4. Request a Tune Up

Finding any problems with your unit now will help you avoid costly repair later. Just like a car, HVAC systems need maintenance as well. Make sure yours is all in reliable and working order. Rather find the issues while it’s cold than find issues when it’s snowing AND cold.

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