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Air Quality Tips For Homeowners With Pets

We love our indoor animals, but did you know they are harming your air quality? Springtime means it is time for your pet to lose their winter coat if they have one. Their excess fur can enhance your allergies, but here are a few tips to help improve your indoor air quality and keep you healthy! 

Keep Your Pets Groomed

This tip is best for someone who does not struggle with bad allergies. Take your pet outside and brush out their winter coat, and continue to do this weekly for the best results. Regular grooming lessens shedding and the amount of hair that affects your indoor air quality. Keeping your pet bathed will also help with excess fur and cut down on dirt. Plus, your pets love the extra attention from regular grooming! 

Change Your Air Filters 

If you have indoor pets, we recommend changing your air filters more regularly than normal. Pet hair and dander can get trapped inside the filter making it harder for your system to produce quality air. If your air filter is dirty or full of pet hair, your breathing only gets harder. 

Clean Your Space

Pet dander can hide just about anywhere and cause your allergies to flare up. Whether it be the living room or your bedroom, pay attention to where your pet hangs out and tidy up the area with a vacuum or dust rag. Throw pillows, rugs, and curtains tend to catch pet dander easily.

Invest In An Air Purifier

Air purifiers are just another “extra” that you can have to help your allergies. Air purifiers sanitize the air you breathe, removing allergens such as pet hair and dander. 

Have Your Ductwork Cleaned 

Allergens can settle in your ductwork and harm your air quality. It is recommended pet owners have their ducts cleaned more often than the average person. Call one of our technicians to have your ducts professionally cleaned and we will help you breathe easy! 

Use UV Lights 

Not only do pets shed hair, but they can also bring in bacteria and other allergens from outside. UV lighting helps cleanse dander, bacteria, viruses, and odor from the air. These allergens can make their way to your surfaces and harm your breathing. Many veterinary clinics use UV lighting to help purify their air. 


We love our pets, but we also love clean air. Be sure to combat pet dander with these few tips so you can stay healthy this spring season!

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