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3 Ways To Lower Your Energy Bill This Summer

Summer is finally here! And though that warmer weather we’ve all been waiting for may be nice, it can some times lead to unwanted increases in energy usage. In this post, we are going to share 3 ways that you can reduce the costs of your energy bill this summer – without being miserably hot in your home!

Don’t Run The Air Conditioner When You Don’t Need It

Though many Americans are still working from home, there are a lot of people returning back into the office as the workplace begins returning to normal. With this, it’s important to not have your AC running all day when you aren’t home.

Additionally, you can save on energy usage by not running the AC while you are asleep. This can be difficult, as some homeowners enjoy their home to be ice cold while sleeping, but if you can sleep without the AC on, you can save some money on monthly bills.

Fun Fact: for every degree that your thermostat is raised, you can save 4% to 8% on usage!

Utilize Your Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can be extremely helpful when trying to cut back on energy usage, especially when used alongside the AC system. Your ceiling fan can cool the room by roughly 4 degrees, allowing you to not have to rely 100% on the thermostat.

Depending on how brutal the summer heat is where you are, you can save even more by only using your ceiling fan.

Remember: only use ceiling fans in rooms that you are using! 

Switch To Energy Efficient HVAC Systems

Switching to energy efficient systems can help you save big time on your energy and utility bills. At Air-Master Heating & Air Conditioning, we use Rheem, which is an industry leader for energy efficiency.

Are you interested in learning more about our ac replacement services? Contact us today to receive a free estimate and let’s begin saving you more money on bills!

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